Amboseli Maasai Tribe

Our heart for the Maasai peoples of Kenya goes back to our first mission trip to Kenya in 2020. While there we visited a wonderful representative Steve Kittapai.

Steve explained that the local government had encouraged them to purchase their ground. At a daily wage of $1.50 Steve wondered how they could ever purchase the allotted ground. Maranatha committed to give Steve $500.00. Steve used $280 to buy his ground and with the balance planted green beans.

Steve was able to purchase 21 acres for the $280 dollars. From that he gave 2 acres to the Church of the Nazarene. At that moment the Amboseli First Church of the Nazarene was formed.

Many people in Steve’s village suffered from parasites in their drinking water. In the past people carried water almost a mile. Maranatha and its supporters ran almost a mile of water pipe and purchased a tank to bring safe drinking water to Steve’s village. As a purchaser of Maranatha Coffee you participated in this mission.

Now water is readily available, from a “Bore Hole” (well) almost a mile away.

Of the 21 acres, Steve gave 2 acres for the development of the Amboseli First Church of the Nazarene.

For almost 2 years there was a drought in Amboseli, Kenya. Maranatha and its partners contributed to bringing food to Steve’s village. The Church grew from 40 to 51. One comment was, “Who is this God that remembers us through this Church?”

Kenya, Africa a door to new relationships through commitment and prayer.


Freedom International Ministry